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At Queen Rania Teacher Academy, we always aim to help teachers and educators with the best practices and strategies in the field of education. Queries related to teachers and educators on QRTA website will be answered by our panel of experts.

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How do you assess learning, and what are the indicators of students' learning?


First, there is no perfect way to measure or assess learning, but assessments are used to give indicators of where learning is going. It's because it is very challenging for assessments to focus on all skills, such as social, emotional, mental, or even psychological. Second, the indicators obtained in assessment depend on the type of questions teachers ask when preparing their assessments. For example, we can ask questions that are mainly based on what many students know about a certain topic, but if we want to elicit information about how they learn, we need to tailor questions to lead students to delve into the application of this knowledge. The takeaway here is the teacher is the one who decides which data he/she wants to collect, and based on that data, they can design their questions.

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Learning Environment


What are the pillars for any successful learning environment?


In this very busy and rapid world, it is becoming hard to envisage what could be the perfect successful model of a learning environment. The old model where students used to sit in a regular classroom with a board in front of them and a physical teacher is no longer the model we see these days, especially after the global pandemic of the Coronavirus. However, we might think of a successful learning environment where the basic and necessary elements are available for ensuring learning. Three things a teacher needs to be aware of. These are the content (coursebook), engagement, and approach. These three are complementary to any successful learning environment.

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Well being

How can well-being support and enhance learning?


There is no doubt that well-being is the pillar of mental health. It is relevant to how resilient one is, how mature they are, and most importantly, how happy they are. We all know when someone has these features, the pace of learning becomes faster and more engaging than someone who might be weak, frustrated, or sad. Student well-being encompasses the overall health of students, which helps them develop social, mental, physical, and emotional health. Those qualities can reflect on students' learning, how they respond to new input of knowledge, how they engage with that knowledge, and where they can fit that knowledge in their context. These are few benefits, but there are countless benefits that impact students. One is how to help students cope with dilemmas in their lives which can be supported through working on students' well-being. For example, helping students to think positively can improve their psychological well-being that can reflect on increasing and strengthening their resilience.

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What is the role of leadership in schools in supporting stakeholders?


There is no doubt that families, teachers, and communities all have different perspectives on what the school can do for them and for students. School leaders need to be up-to-date with what is going around and feed their decision-making through effective and authentic stakeholder engagement. In other words, it is when the school leaders engage stakeholders in their strategic plans about where the school is going and what qualities their students need to acquire at school.

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Literacy and Numeracy


How can literacy and numeracy be enhanced at an early and/or later stage?


That’s a good question. Here are some tips for parents:


  • Try to spend at least 10 minutes a day reading with your child.
  • Try to listen to your child read out loud every day, and encourage them to read to visitors or younger siblings.
  • Reading out loud, even for a short time, can help build your child’s confidence in reading.
  • Try asking your child to read notes, signs and menus out loud regularly.
  • Let your child see that you enjoy reading.


  • Talk positively about math with your child – even if you struggled with it at school yourself.
  • Talk to your child about how you use math in everyday life – while shopping and keeping score in sports games, telling the time etc.
  • Help your child to see the real-life purpose for the math they are learning at school
  • Play games with cards, dominoes or dice to help your child with math.


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How can differentiation be implemented in large classes?


Here are some useful tips:

  • Flexible-pace learning

Traditionally, tasks are completed in a set amount of time, which normally accommodates the slower-paced learners. This can mean faster learners are held up by the pace of their peers, and slower workers feel rushed and incapable of learning at the necessary pace.

  • Collaborative learning

Group work is excellent for empowering shyer students to participate more in class. Forming mixed-ability groups of pupils gives high achievers a platform to vocalise their ideas, and lower ability students a way ofcollaborating with peers.

  • Digital resources

By using interactive tools and digital applications, mixed-ability classes get the opportunity to approach a topic or subject from different angles.

  • Variable outcomes

Rather than setting a task with a single outcome or ‘right’ answer, taking a more interpretive approach to an exercise gives students the flexibility to arrive at a more personalised result.

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Teaching Strategies


What could be the best teaching strategies for engaging students?


  • Connect learning to the real world
  • Engage with your students' interests
  • Use group work and collaboration
  • Encourage students to present and share work regularly
  • Give your students a say
  • Exploit technological resources
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