- Literacy and Numeracy

How can literacy and numeracy be enhanced at an early and/or later stage?


That’s a good question. Here are some tips for parents:


  • Try to spend at least 10 minutes a day reading with your child.
  • Try to listen to your child read out loud every day, and encourage them to read to visitors or younger siblings.
  • Reading out loud, even for a short time, can help build your child’s confidence in reading.
  • Try asking your child to read notes, signs and menus out loud regularly.
  • Let your child see that you enjoy reading.


  • Talk positively about math with your child – even if you struggled with it at school yourself.
  • Talk to your child about how you use math in everyday life – while shopping and keeping score in sports games, telling the time etc.
  • Help your child to see the real-life purpose for the math they are learning at school
  • Play games with cards, dominoes or dice to help your child with math.



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