Teacher Education Professional Diploma


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In 2016, Queen Rania Teacher Academy (QRTA) launched the Teacher Education Professional Diploma (TEPD), which is awarded by the University of Jordan and accredited by the Ministry of Education in Jordan. TEPD was developed in collaboration with the University College London (UCL) - Institute of Education and was granted international accreditation from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), the largest accreditation council of its kind in the US.

TEPD equips teachers to view the learning environment as more than just a classroom, but rather as a source of innovation, leadership and intellectual curiosity.


Program Highlights:

  • TEPD is a 24-credit hour, nine-month accredited diploma.
  • The TEPD program has two tracks:

1- Subject Specific (Arabic Language, Science, Mathematics, Early Grades)

2- General Pedagogies of Teaching and Learning all subjects except the mentioned subjects)

  • TEPD is offered online in a blended modality that includes synchronous sessions, asynchronous learning activities in addition to the practicum component in schools.


A core pillar of TEPD lies in its practicality, which offers teachers real-life opportunities to apply their newly acquired skills and knowledge in diverse learning environments. In doing so, teachers ensure the practical implementation of the theoretical frameworks assimilated during the program.


TEPD's overarching goal is to prepare teachers and enhance their capabilities, empowering them to equip students with essential skills and knowledge. This, in turn, cultivates future generations that actively contribute to both their society and nation. Simultaneously, participants are trained to engage more adeptly within the learning environment, transforming it into a nurturing space for honing students' competencies.


Diploma graduates are life-long learners and reflective practitioners able to utilize data-based inquiry to improve student learning and foster student agency. Furthermore, graduates are skillfully trained to assist students in acquiring fundamental knowledge and skills and building a generation with the capacity to make meaningful contributions to their society and nation. TEPD also prepares participants to cultivate an atmosphere of innovation and creativity within their learning environments.


Throughout the program, teaching and learning concepts are delivered by highly qualified and competent instructors, who possess a holistic understanding of the latest developments in teaching and learning processes.


Program Objectives:


  • Acquire a solid understanding of fundamental aspects of teaching and learning, including pedagogical knowledge.
  • Foster a comprehensive understanding of pedagogical content knowledge tailored to specific subjects.
  • Cultivate a critical understanding of the teaching and learning processes; devise and sustain cogent dialogues (arguments); and reflect on the professional challenges teachers encounter.
  • Enhance conceptual awareness of their professional teaching practices, as well as those applied by their peers, in relation to ongoing research in teaching, learning, pedagogy and educational practice, paired with the ability to convey these insights proficiently by showcasing relevant artifacts.
  • Acquire the professional competencies outlined in the TEPD Teachers’ Standards.
  • Demonstrate creativity and autonomy in applying acquired knowledge to teaching practices and associated activities involving both learners and colleagues.


TEPD   Courses:

Relationships and Learning Environment

This course focuses on the various components of a learning environment and their impact on the learning process. It also develops skills for building and managing an efficient learning environment, as well as demonstrating specific methods for nurturing positive relationships with and amongst students. The course further aims to devise strategies for integrating stakeholders (families, local community members and official institutions) into the learning process.


Moreover, the course equips participants with competencies to manage diverse student behaviors within the classroom setting. It imparts strategies designed to effectively mitigate various forms of bullying that may arise during the learning process. It also seeks to raise awareness about the concept of social diversity and how to navigate its intricacies within the learning context. Lastly, the course spotlights skills for effectively harnessing technology in the learning environment while emphasizing the significance of flexibility within this context.


Curriculum and Planning

This course addresses the curriculum and its diverse components and types. It also examines the principles behind curriculum design, differentiation among various curriculum types and models and the application of curriculum knowledge in the planning process at different levels. Significant emphasis is laid upon acquiring proficiency in content analysis and its integration within the planning process. Moreover, the exploration of concepts related to planning and the formulation of plans across multiple levels constitutes a key aspect of this course.


Conditions for Learning

This course aims to build knowledge and skills in discerning the principles that underlie various learning and developmental theories. It involves applying knowledge of learning theories in the teaching and learning processes, while exploring and implementing active learning strategies during the planning phase. The focus is on designing teaching episodes that incorporate differentiated instruction models, deepening awareness of inclusive learning and how to achieve it, in addition to utilizing strategies that motivate students to cultivate metacognition. Furthermore, the course designs activities to transfer the impact of subject-specific learning, considering sustainable development goals.


Pedagogical Content Knowledge

This course addresses topics related to content knowledge assessment, the development of pedagogical knowledge pertinent to the curriculum and the implementation of proficient teaching and learning practices and principles when designing learning experiences. It also emphasizes research review, staying updated on developments and adeptly responding to student requirements when shaping learning experiences.


Student Learning Assessment

This course revolves around the assessment of student learning to elevate and direct the learning process when planning for teaching. It covers the principles of student learning assessment, with a focus on ‘assessment for learning’, utilizing assessment methods to guide subsequent phases of the learning process. Additionally, the course investigates assessment strategies and tools, along with mechanisms for seamlessly incorporating them into the learning framework, as well as explores the utilization of assessment outcomes to enhance the quality of student learning.


ICT in Education

This course provides an introductory overview of ICT tools applied in the learning process and in designing learning experiences and student activities. It also delves into the practical employment of ICT applications along the learning journey, with a focus on equipping teachers with the competencies needed for remote instruction and the crafting of online learning modules.


Subject Inquiry

This course revolves around inquiry research and its significance while imparting the skill of writing comprehensive inquiry research and effectively incorporating educational literature into the inquiry research process. Student teachers apply inquiry research while educating students to explore various data types and methods of data collection, as well as the processes of data analysis, presentation and discussion.


Within the framework of TEPD, academic reading and writing assume pivotal roles. They develop the necessary academic proficiencies for student teachers, enabling them to enrich their learning experience and articulate their comprehension effectively by promoting excellence in research. Academic reading and writing help student teachers become well-versed in advanced educational research and allow them to communicate their ideas using academic language tailored to the education field.


Delivery Approach

 TEPD is offered online in a blended modality that includes synchronous sessions, asynchronous learning activities in addition to the practicum component in schools.

Designed to enrich the learning experience, TEPD is presented via online collaborative learning. Throughout the learning journey, student teachers are expected to engage in group activities and are encouraged to participate in individual and peer tasks in order to promote independent learning and enhance reflective thinking. They are also urged to partake in collaborative work through discussions, virtual learning environments and seminars (video conferencing).

TEPD also employs a blended learning approach that aims to create an interactive learning environment, whereby participants are expected to engage in synchronous learning with their peers and academic advisors through interactive synchronous sessions. Meanwhile, collaborative e-learning takes place within a virtual learning environment, where student teachers demonstrate the ability to analyze and critically reflect on professional practices, particularly their own teaching and learning practices.


Targeted Audience

 TEPD targets teachers of all grades who are enthusiastic about the teaching profession.



 Targeted learning outcomes are evaluated through participants' involvement in performance tasks, which include:


  1. Formative Assessment

Formative Assessment is continuously applied over nine months and precedes the Summative Assessment. The different types of formative assessment include feedback, follow-up sessions and formal observations. Feedback is based on specific grade criteria and the TEPD Teachers' Standards, which are also used in the Summative Assessment.


  1. Summative Assessment

Summative Assessment includes a practicum and the submission of three summative written assignments, which the student teachers must complete successfully to pass the program. The summative written assignments comprise:


a. An Essay in “Principles of Learning and Teaching”

This assignment involves writing an analytical piece that demonstrates the student teacher's fulfillment of the TEPD learning outcomes, noting they receive direct guidance on how to structure and title the essay.

b. Inquiry Report

This assignment involves conducting a small-scale, practice-based inquiry that demonstrates compliance with the TEPD criteria.

c. Professional Practice

This assignment requires participants to perform directed activities, set targets per the TEPD Teachers’ Standards, complete weekly reflections and regularly apply the acquired knowledge from the program to enhance their teaching and learning skills.


Assessment is contingent upon the successful completion and electronic submission of the student- teacher portfolio, which demonstrates fulfillment of the Teachers’ Standards. This is followed by a final statement highlighting the attainment of all the Teachers’ Standards, substantiated by evidence from the e-portfolio. Additionally, participants are required to compose a reflective essay addressing their progress toward meeting the Teachers’ Standards. 


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