Arabic Program






Queen Rania Teacher Academy and In-School Training






Queen Rania Teacher Academy and In-School Training

Arabic Education Program

QRTA Arabic Language Program aspires to contribute to the formation of an educated Arab generation that adheres to its rich culture and heritage and open to the civilized accomplishments of other nations through reading and writing fluently and confidently in Arabic language.

The Program aims at developing Arabic Language teachers’ attitudes, pedagogical skills, and practices in teaching and improving reading, writing, and oral skills focused in units of study and across genres with clear plans and using K-12 Arabic standards for teaching and learning Arabic.

Foundational Reading and Writing Skills

A specialized program for developing the skills of Arabic language teachers to teach reading and writing skills for the early stage from kindergarten to the third grade in phonemic awareness, reading letters and vocabulary voice, reading comprehension, writing and evaluation based on standards and performance indicators.

The courses of this program are considered the foundation for forming the basic reading skills of learners, and provide solutions for dealing with the teaching of the Arabic language in the context of international and national schools that face challenges in teaching Arabic, in addition to enabling teachers to interact with students in order to build their language skills and away from rigidity and complexity.

Specialized Reading and Writing Skills

A specialized program for developing the skills of Arabic language teachers in reading, writing, speaking skills, and standards-based evaluation for grades (12-KG). The courses of this program have been developed according to the latest global strategies in teaching language skills in cooperation with the University of Colombia, and regional and local programs.

The program includes eight courses (standards-based assessment, conversation skills, intensive reading, reading of narrative text, reading of nonfiction text, writing of personal narrative, writing of Informational books and articles, writing of essays)

The program aims at developing the Arabic Language teachers’ attitudes; pedagogical skills; and practices. It guides teachers through reading and writing skills within focused units of study and across genres with clear curriculum plans. The activities of this program involve teachers as readers and writers but most importantly as experts of teaching literacy skills.