
Jun 12, 2023

The Advanced Instructional Leadership Team (AILPD)at Queen Rania Teacher Academy held the second reflective meeting for the beneficiaries of “The Advanced Instructional Leadership Professional Diploma”, Cohort 3, for the year 2022-2023.

QRTA - AILPD - The Advanced Instructional Leadership Team at Queen Rania Teacher Academy held the "Second Reflective Meeting" for the beneficiaries of the Advanced Instructional Leadership Professional Diploma (AILPD), Cohort 3, for the year 2022/2023.

The meeting was attended by 147 educational leaders representing 39 directorates of education from the three regions, with the support of the Canadian Government and in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.

The meeting aimed to deepen the participants' understanding of the core concepts of the training module titled "Supervision, Evaluation, and Professional Learning for Continuous Development." It emphasized the participants' understanding of the training course on supervisory skills and the importance of integrating the three pillars of the improvement process: student achievement data, classroom observation, and professional learning.

The meeting also included discussions on the performance task of the training module. The meetings were characterized by rich discussions, effective feedback, and positive interaction among the participants.


QRTA offers innovative and evidence-based professional development programs informed by international best practices and the latest research in the field. Since its inception, QRTA has provided professional learning opportunities for teachers and school leaders, with an outreach of over 100,000 professional development opportunities across its various programs.