
Mar 28, 2022

AILPD activities has kicked off with an introductory session for its new cohort



QRTA - AILPD - Advanced Instructional Leadership Professional Diploma activities has kicked off with an introductory session for its new cohort on the 28th and 27th of March in coordination with the Ministry of Education and supported by the Government of Canada.

The new cohort includes, school leaders, assistants, supervisors, and head of departments representing 39 directorates from different regions in the Kingdom.

QRTA launched The Advanced Instructional Leadership Professional Diploma (AILPD) in 2016. AILPD is awarded by the University of Jordan and has been developed in collaboration with the University of Connecticut (UCONN) and is based on the Public Education Leadership Project (PELP) originated in 2003 at Harvard University through a joint effort from the Business and Education schools.

AILPD is accredited by the Ministry of Education in Jordan.

The twenty-four credit hours, nine months diploma seeks to make essential changes in leadership practices through including the best international practices in instructional leadership.

Increase conceptual understanding of instructional leadership in order to articulate a vision for the organization and lead learning to achieve that vision.

Develop strategies for school improvement through a close examination of curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices, teacher development, culture, and school organization.

Apply new learning directly to work within the school and create a Networked Improvement Community to self-reflect and provide one another with actionable feedback